I'm Hiring!

Hi everyone,

I've got an exciting announcement today! After giving it some serious thought, I have decided that I would like to hire 1 or 2 people to help me work on this game. With how busy my life has been getting, I am realizing more and more how difficult it is for me to push out regular updates by myself. Right now, for every update, I have to do game design, write the script, generate like 50 images until I get a couple that I'm happy with, edit the images, market the game, and a bunch of other stuff. It's a bit much for one person with a full-time job and I want to be pushing out updates faster than I have been able to.

So, right now, I am most interested in hiring to help with two things:

  1. Someone who has used Stable Diffusion and wants to help me generate images for new/existing characters.
  2. Someone who is comfortable with English and wants to help me write new scenes.

If you are interested in filling either of those jobs, please reach out to me and we can discuss it in more detail. That being said, please only message me if you actually like the current direction of the game as I will be asking you to write more of what I currently have. While we will be adding new kinks to the game eventually, you should be into whatever is currently here.

I would like to be very transparent from the start that these positions come with a few caveats. First, the pay will NOT be per-hour since I certainly cannot afford that right now. Instead, you would receive some percentage of the total revenue made (say ~20%, depending on your role). This game is not currently making a ton of money so unless it grows significantly, please do not think that you will make a living off this. For now, it is something that you will spend a few hours on per week and get paid some pocket change in return. You're going to have to actually enjoy working on it for this to be worth it for you. If you are applying for the writing, it would help a lot if you could write a short example scene for me to read.

If you have read all this and haven't been scared away, please do message me on discord (my username is sluuuuutty). I am not sure if anyone is actually going to respond to this so don't be scared to reach out even if you are only considering it. We can discuss things further and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Anyway, thanks for playing!

Get The Craving

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