Sorry for Delayed 1.6 Release...

Hi everyone,

I want to start off by saying thank you for all your feedback on my last post. I'm going to take some time to consider how I can incorporate as much of it as possible! And again, if you have requests or feedback in the future, please leave a comment! I don't receive a lot of feedback so your comment could have a big impact on the game. The same thing applies for typos or bugs. I don't think I've had a single person report a typo or bug yet, so if you see one, please let me know.

Secondly, I want to apologize for the delayed free release of version 1.6. I am currently typing this on my phone because I am in the process of moving cities for work and I haven't even had a chance to set up my PC yet. That being said, once things settle down a little I'll release as soon as I can.

This also means that I'm a little behind on working on the next update as well for my Patreon supporters. My apologies for that, but once I'm moved in I'll get back to work. I don't currently know how delayed the next update will be but I'm hoping to release it in a couple of weeks.

That's all for today, thanks for playing!

Get The Craving

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